IDSC Staff largely worked from home during the COVID-19 crisis. Despite the physical distance, we remained close and productive. We look forward to the time when we can resume our in-person events, but hope that you will join us virtually in the meantime.
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2020-2021 Fun + Farewells
Virtual Halloween via Zoom!
The masked person it was hardest to guess won a prize . . .
. . . that turned out to be Shijia Geng, from the Advanced Computing team,
who ended up returning home to China because of Covid.
We bid her a fond farewell and decorated her cubicle.
And the IDSC Software Engineering gathered to say goodbye to some ‘old’ faces like
Amar Koleti (not pictured) and Shivani Dhabe (center) 🙁
Staff Meetings went to Zoom.
And we adapted . . .
Dr. Ben Kirtman, masked up, before filming a video for IDSC