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Around Campus, Spring 2021

Data Science and Computing Magazine Issue No. 2 Spring 2021

by Helen Gynell

February 1, 2021

IDSC Staff largely worked from home during the COVID-19 crisis. Despite the physical distance, we remained close and productive. We look forward to the time when we can resume our in-person events, but hope that you will join us virtually in the meantime.

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2020-2021 Fun + Farewells

Virtual Halloween via Zoom!

IDSC Halloween Zoom Call

The masked person it was hardest to guess won a prize . . .

IDSC Halloween Zoom Call Reveal

. . . that turned out to be Shijia Geng, from the Advanced Computing team,
who ended up returning home to China because of Covid.
We bid her a fond farewell and decorated her cubicle.

Farewell to Shijia Geng

And the IDSC Software Engineering gathered to say goodbye to some ‘old’ faces like
Amar Koleti (not pictured) and Shivani Dhabe (center) 🙁

IDSC Software Engineering Team bids farewell to Shivani Dhabe

Staff Meetings went to Zoom.

IDSC Staff Meeting via Zoom

And we adapted . . .
Dr. Ben Kirtman, masked up, before filming a video for IDSC

Dr. Ben Kirtman filming a video segment for IDSC