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1552 Brescia Avenue
Coral Gables, FL 33146-2438
M-F 8:30 AM-5:00 PM

AI + Machine Learning, Fall 2023

NASA Looks to IDSC to Address Satellite Security

August 26, 2023

Five years ago, representatives from telecommunications companies approached Yelena Yesha in a panic. As they sent more and more satellites into orbit around the Earth, the potential risks for hacking grew with each launch and they wanted guidance from Yesha, a world-renowned computer scientist who has worked extensively in cybersecurity.

Digital Health + Life Sciences Informatics, Fall 2023

FDA Testbed for AI/ML-enabled Medical Devices

August 26, 2023

Advances in computing have led to a flood of medical devices powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) that allow doctors, nurses, and even patients themselves to better identify and track a wide variety of health issues.

Earth Systems, Spring 2023

Geologist Combines AI, Big Data, Computing Power, and Curiosity

January 18, 2023

Growing up in North Carolina, Sam Goldberg was constantly outdoors on family hikes, summer camping trips, and canoe rides through winding rivers. As he paddled through deep valleys or fidgeted with his camping gear, Goldberg always found himself asking the same question: how was this made?

IDSC Fellows, Spring 2023

Catch the Replay: 2022-2023 IDSC Fellows’ Project Proposals

January 18, 2023

The Institute for Data Science and Computing (IDSC) was pleased to host the newly chosen 2022-2023 IDSC Fellows as they presented their project proposals on December 14, 2022. Join us in congratulating (in order of presentation) Jeffrey Serville, Kelly Soluri, Sadegh Tale Masoule, and Shara Sookhoo. Each spoke briefly on what they hoped to accomplish.

Fall 2022, From the Director

New Recruits Represent a Defining Leap Forward for IDSC

August 30, 2022

from the director I am pleased to share with you a look back at a year’s worth of exciting progress at IDSC, as told by writer Alan Gomez, who offers a glimpse at where it might take us . . . A computer science prodigy who started college at age 12 and received his PhD […]

Fall 2022

IDSC AI and Machine Learning
Welcomes Mingzhe Chen

August 30, 2022

Mingzhe Chen had a plan. Born and raised in in the interior of China, he moved to Wuhan for college and figured he’d get a telecommunications degree and find a job. It was 2009 and telecoms were booming, with the Chinese government building new networks and telecommunications infrastructure throughout the increasingly-connected nation.

Digital Health + Life Sciences Informatics, Spring 2022

NCI Funds AI Training for Young Faculty

January 29, 2022

Six post-doctoral fellows at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine will be trained in data science, thanks to a collaborative initiative with the UM Institute for Data Science and Computing (IDSC).

Fall 2021, Innovation

UM Joins National Science Foundation Center for Accelerated Real Time Analytics (CARTA)

August 30, 2021

By joining the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Center for Accelerated Real Time Analytics (CARTA), the University of Miami, through IDSC, is opening the door to deeper levels of academic and industry collaboration. “As the latest CARTA site, our research will focus on a variety of themes, including machine learning and artificial intelligence,” said Mitsu Ogihara, PhD, […]

Awards and Honors, Fall 2021

Yelena Yesha Named First IDSC Knight Foundation Chair

August 30, 2021

Professor Yelena Yesha, Ph.D., has been appointed Knight Foundation Chair of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, the first Knight Chair for the Institute for Data Science and Computing (IDSC) at the University of Miami. As an expert in blockchain technology, personalized health care, and electronic commerce, Yesha is a renowned data scientist and trailblazer in […]

Cover Story, Fall 2020

Yelena Yesha Joins UM as IDSC Innovation Officer

September 18, 2020

Yelena Yesha, PhD, an award-winning researcher and technology industry leader, has joined IDSC as Innovation Officer and Head of International Relations. She was also named a Knight Foundation Chair of Data Science and AI. “Dr. Yesha is an internationally recognized leader in many fields, including cybersecurity, big data analytics, medical research, electronic commerce, and climate […]