Girl Scouts Tech Camp 11/8/2015

University of Miami Center for Computational Science GIRL SCOUT Tech Camp

Girl Scouts Tech Camp 11/8/2015

The 2nd annual Girl Scouts Tech Camp will be held on Sunday, November 8, 2015, from 2:00 to 5:00 PM. Interest in this event was enormous! We had 61 registrants within 12 hours of the announcement being made on the Girl Scouts event website, with 20 more on a waiting list. The event will have 4 activity stations, and three groups of 15-20 girls rotating between them:

University of Miami Center for Computational Science GIRL SCOUT Tech Camp patch

Activity Stations

STATION 1  Dr. Victor Milenkovic & Visualization in the IDSC Offices in the Ungar Building (Computer Science Conference Room).
STATION 2  Coding on by Sofia Quevedo from Coral Gables Senior High School and her team.
STATION 3  Career Workshop and Interactive Discussion with the UM “Women in Tech Careers” group.
STATION 4  Refreshments and the U-Stand-Out game, devised by Lien Tran at the UM School of Communication.

We are grateful to our 16 volunteers, who included undergraduate and graduate UM students, faculty, as well as UMIT staff and a representative from the Admissions Office.  Claire Marrero, President of ITWomen and CEO of Talent Source, also volunteered to help run the careers workshop session.


PHOTOS:  The girls earned this limited edition patch and showed their appreciation of the event on an ascending scale of 1-5.

University of Miami Center for Computational Science Girl Scouts Tech Camp



Special thanks to the College of Arts and Sciences Ambassadors for their help with ushering, and to the Registrar’s Office.
Also, a big thank you to The Talent Source, a recruitment agency in Brickell, for sponsoring the refreshments.