VizUM 2018 and Inaugural Visualization Competition
VizUM 2018 was held on Thursday, November 15, 2018, 4:00-7:00 PM. The finalists’ projects from the inaugural VizUM Visualization Competition were presented.
This event was free and open to the public.
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Bongshin Lee | MicrosoftBongshin Lee is a Senior Researcher in the Human-Computer Interaction and EPIC research groups at Microsoft Research. She explores innovative ways to enable people to create visualizations, interact with their data, and share data-driven stories. Recently, she has been recently on helping people collect and explore data about themselves, and, share insights with others by leveraging visualizations. Bongshin currently serve as a Papers Co-Chair for PacificVis 2018 and as Associate Editor for IEEE TVCG. She served as a General Co-Chair for IEEE PacificVis 2017, and Papers Co-Chair for IEEE InfoVis 2015 and 2016. She earned her MS and PhD in Computer Science from University of Maryland at College Park in 2002 and 2006, respectively. For more information, please visit |
Hadley Wickham | RStudioHadley Wickham is a Chief Scientist at RStudio, and an Adjunct Professor of Statistics at the University of Auckland, Stanford University, and Rice University. Hadley builds tools (computational and cognitive) that make data science easier, faster, and more fun. He’s from New Zealand but he currently lives in Houston, TX with his partner and two dogs. Most of Hadley’s work is in the form of open source R code, which you can find on You can roughly divide his work into three categories: tools for data science, tools for data import, and software engineering tools. |