Service Unit Match

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Service Unit Match

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The University of Miami Frost Institute for Data Science and Computing (IDSC) is committed to providing exceptional advance computing resources to meet the computational needs of the University of Miami’s research community. In FY2020, IDSC transitioned to a partial fee-for-service model with the expectation that in following fiscal years services would be offered at the full service rate. We understood this model would impose added financial responsibility on investigators; and as such, IDSC established a Service Unit Match program designed to assist our heaviest users. This document establishes the criteria for eligibility for a Service Unit Match subsidy and provides details on how to submit a request.


Advanced Compute Processing

The approved current rate for advanced compute processing on UM supercomputing systems is $0.011 per service unit (SU). This service includes initial consultation for services and account set up for use of service units on the supercomputing environment. A single service unit (SU) is equal to (a) 1 CPU hour or 2 GB memory/hour whichever is larger, calculated per job OR (b) 0.5 GB scratch space, average calculated per month. Service Units (SU) are billed per CPU hours or memory per job PLUS scratch utilization per month. Users are reminded that data on these systems is not backed up. Data should be promptly removed from scratch space to avoid incurring additional usage charges.


Criteria for Eligibility

This program is specifally designed to aid heavy users who have allocated greater than 275,000 SUs or $3,025.00 in their proposal budget. This budget line item is referenced below as the User Contribution.  IDSC will match each user contributed dollar as outlined in the table below.  The IDSC SU Match is applied as the thresholds, defined below, are met.


Tier  Description User Contribution     IDSC SU Match
Tier 1  Less than 275,000 SU Less than $3,025.00   0
Tier 2  Greater than 275,001 SU Above $3,025.01   4/5 of the Rate of Service


Budgeting for Service Units

The IDSC Advanced Computing team can provide guidance to appropriately estimate resource utilization on outgoing proposals. For assistance, email We recommend using the following text as the budget justification for this line item on outgoing proposals:

The project will utilize the resources of the University of Miami Frost Institute for Data Science and Computing. Requested in the budget are funds to cover the cost for using the advanced computing infrastructure, calculated using the University’s approved subsidized rates.


Subsidy Application Process

To submit an application, users will complete a New Project Request form for each project they need considered. Applications are routed to the IDSC Allocations Committee and processed on a first-come, first-served basis. An award notice will be delivered via email summarizing the subsidy details.



A Workday Internal Service Delivery (ISD) document will be used to facilitate the transfer of funds. Users will receive a monthly statement summarizing usage for each project account.  The first $3,025.00 will be due from the user.  Tier 2 usage begins at 275,001 SU, at which time monthly usage will be split, charging one fifth (1/5) utilization to the project account and the balance (4/5) to IDSC’s match program.


IDSC Subsiary Example


Please direct any inquries to Evelyn Cruz at For additional information on IDSC services and resources, please visit UM Fee Schedule is available for download.


PLEASE NOTE: There is a separate subsidy program and process for users without grant funding.  Please visit our website for details or contact