Ethics, Computer Science, and Writing: The Challenge and Opportunity…
The University of Miami has a long track record in studying ethics and information technology. This special event links the Institute for Data Science and Computing (IDSC), the University’s new Department of Writing Studies, and the UM Ethics Programs on a panel to address challenges related to the explosive interest in—and use of—Artificial Intelligence programs that generate text and computer code.
A multidisciplinary expert panel will review (i) concerns about using computers to write assignments, (ii) credible and interesting uses of text-generation programs, and (iii) options for institutional responses and policies to address these issues. This is a hybrid event hosted by Nicholas Tsinoremas, PhD, Director, IDSC; Kenneth W. Goodman, PhD, FACMI, FACE, Director, IDSC Data Ethics + Society; and Joanna Johnson, PhD, Assoc. Professor, Department of Writing Studies. This event is free and open to the public. No registration required.
Monday 1/23/2023 • 12:00-1:00 PM | Richter Library, 3rd Floor Conference Room #343
Zoom Link | https://miami.zoom.us/j/99240273225?pwd=eStPek9zcFZ6UHF1bFplMHBHMUJYQT09