Software Carpentry helps researchers get their work done in less time and with less pain by teaching them fundamental research computing skills. This hands-on Python workshop will cover basic concepts and tools, including program design, version control, data management, and task automation. This course is aimed at graduate students and other researchers. You don’t need to have any previous knowledge of the tools that will be presented. Participants will be encouraged to help one another and to apply what they have learned to their own research problems.
Wednesday + Thursday 2/21+22/2024 | 9:00-4:30 Course Hours Both Days
Miami Clinical and Translational Science Institute
Don Soffer Clinical Research Center (formerly Clinical Research Building or “CRB”)
1120 NW 14th Street, Rooms 710 Q
Miami, FL 33136
You may park in the building’s parking garage. Parking spaces are available throughout the garage at a rate of $1.00 per hour, with a max charge of $8.00/per day. Get directions with OpenStreetMap or Google Maps.
Participants must bring a laptop with a Mac, Linux, or Windows operating system (not a tablet, Chromebook, etc.) that they have administrative privileges on. They should have a few specific software packages installed (listed on the syllabus).
Timothy Norris
Data Scientist
University of Miami Libraries and
Frost Institute for Data Science
and Computing (IDSC) |
Erica Newcome
STEM and Interdisciplinary
Research Librarian
University of Miami Libraries |
Francisco Cardozo Macias
University of Miami |
Thilani Samarakoon
Biomedical Data Librarian
University of Miami Libraries |
Emory Neer
Research Support Analyst, Center on Aging Research
Miller School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry
University of Miami |
Catalina Canizares-Escobar
Research Coordinator
Florida International University |
We are committed to making this workshop accessible to everybody. For workshops at a physical location, the workshop organizers have checked that:
- The room is wheelchair / scooter accessible.
- Accessible restrooms are available.
Materials will be provided in advance of the workshop and large-print handouts are available if needed by notifying the organizers in advance. If we can help making learning easier for you (e.g. sign-language interpreters, lactation facilities) please get in touch (using contact details below) and we will attempt to provide them.
Louis Calder Memorial Library | Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies (CIMAS) | Department of Computer Science | Graduate School | IDSC | Office of the Vice Provost for Research and Scholarship