The University of Miami Frost Institute for Data Science and Computing (IDSC) is dedicated to solving pressing societal challenges by empowering Data Science research, education, ethics, community engagement, and commercial ventures. IDSC’s world-class research team takes a collaborative approach to deploying the powerful tools of Data Science to uncover hidden patterns, find fresh insights, and advance STEM education at every level, linking academic research to real-world problems with the flexibility to respond quickly to emerging scientific issues.
IDSC Innovation oversees collaborative efforts between IDSC and other UM faculty, government, and/or industry seeking extramural funding for innovative intradisciplinary ideas. We invite you to learn more about how IDSC can become your partner in the powerful fields of Data Science and Computing.
Yelena Yesha, PhD
Knight Foundation Endowed Chair of Data Science and AI
Director, IDSC AI + Machine Learning
IDSC Innovation Officer and Head, International Relations
Professor, Department of Computer Science, College of Arts and Sciences
Professor, Department of Radiology, Miller School of Medicine
Board Member + Senior Liaison for Interaction with Industries and Special Projects, IMSA (Institute of the Mathematical Sciences of the Americas at UM)
Founding Director, NSF CARTA
At the University of Miami, Dr. Yelena Yesha is the Knight Foundation Endowed Chair of Data Science and AI at the Frost Institute for Data Science and Computing (IDSC). At IDSC, Dr. Yesha is also the Innovation Officer and Head of International Relations. In this role, Dr. Yesha assists faculty in engaging government and industrial partners to collaborate with the University and consults with faculty on developing research ideas into innovations.
Dr. Yesha was the Founding Director of the National Science Foundation Center for Accelerated Real Time Analytics (CARTA), an NSF-funded Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (I/UCRC). CARTA partners with Rutgers University New Brunswick, North Carolina State University, the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), Tel Aviv University, and the University of Miami.
Dr. Yesha received her B.Sc. degrees in Computer Science and in Applied Mathematics from York University, Toronto, Canada, and her M.Sc. degree and Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from The Ohio State University She has published 11 books as author or editor, and more than 220 papers in prestigious refereed journals and refereed conference proceedings, and she has been awarded external funding in a total amount exceeding 56 million dollars. She is currently working with leading industrial companies and government agencies on new innovative technology in the areas of blockchains, cybersecurity, and big data analytics with applications to electronic commerce, climate change, and digital healthcare. Dr. Yesha is a fellow of the IBM Centre for Advanced Studies.
Forbes magazine highlighted Dr. Yesha’s accomplishments in technology in a two-part profile: Part I: Dr. Yelena Yesha: Meet The Tenacious Pioneer Pushing Innovation To Address Real World Problems and Part II: Dr. Yelena Yesha: Pushing Technology Boundaries To Solve The World’s Biggest Problems.