Azizi Seixas Named to Inaugural AWS Education Champions Program
Congratulations to IDSC Population Health Informatics program director Dr. Azizi Seixas. Dr. Seixas is an Associate Professor at the Miller School of Medicine, and Director of The Media and Innovation Lab. Dr. Seixas was selected by Amazon Web Services (AWS) as one of 10 Education Champions in the U.S.
The inaugural cohort of 10 AWS Education Champions was honored last week (August 3, 2022) at IMAGINE 2022 for their innovative work using cloud computing technology and their advocacy for improving education. The science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) leaders were recognized as innovators in education driving digital transformation with cloud technology for teaching, learning, research, and academic medicine. Honorees receive access to grants and opportunities to expand the impact of their work.
Story excerpted from blackengineer.com | Read more at aws.amazon.com