Bryson Rudolph
Senior Research Software Engineer | IDSC Systems + Data Engineering
Adjunct Lecturer | School of Communication
Phone: 305.284.1560 Office: The VESL (Virtual Experiences Simulation Lab), Wolfson 3040, School of Communication
Email: bxr610@miami.edu
Bryson Rudolph is an extended reality developer passionate about immersive technologies, gamified education, foreign languages and culture, and humanitarian work. He holds a BS and an MS in Computer Science and a BA in Spanish from Clemson University.
Bryson currently helps lead the University of Miami’s Virtual Experiences Simulation Lab (VESL), where students are hired to work on innovative immersive media projects with faculty researchers. The VESL has proudly received many awards since its inception in 2022, including an Auggie Award for the Mangrove City project and recognition as The Best On-Campus Internship of the Year (2024) by the Toppel Career Center.
Bryson enjoys mentoring students and aiding in their growth as industry-ready creatives while fostering collaboration within and across student teams. In addition to managing the VESL, Bryson also teaches CIM 203: Intro to Creative Coding as an adjunct lecturer.
Website: https://b-rudo.github.io/