Catch the Replay: Introductory IBM Cognitive Cloud Academy Workshop
The University of Miami Institute for Data Science and Computing (IDSC) hosted a free half-day IBM Cognitive Cloud Academy Workshop for faculty, students, and staff on Friday, March 4, 12:00-3:30 PM, via Zoom.
The workshop provided an overview of IBM’s academic programs, an introduction to the IBM Cloud services for data and AI, and processing infrastructure used to support a wide range of AI and cognitive-based research projects and curricula. The goal of the workshop was to train a number of cognitive and cloud practitioners, educators, and students, whose projects and curricula IBM will continue to support through additional targeted education, required cloud services and resources, and various university relations programs.
Familiarize yourself with IBM’s cognitive cloud services by going to the IBM developer website at https://developer.ibm.com. The IBM developer website contains articles, courses, datasets, and tutorials on various IBM technologies, including AI, Analytics, Blockchain. The workshop ended with a project planning clinic, where faculty and students could discuss proposed projects.
Part 1 of 2
PART ONE with Andy Rindos | rindos@us.ibm.com
12:04 The IBM Academic Cloud
13:03 University Delivery Services (UDS)
14:42 IBM University (Faculty) Awards
17:40 PROJECT: Guiding Eye Dog
19:58 PROJECT: Chain Integration Pilot (CHIP)
21:05 PROJECT: Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
22:20 PROJECT: Watson-in-the-Watt (Clemson University | Center for Excellence)
23:45 PROJECT: IBM Q-Hub (NC State University)
28:40 PROJECT: Cognitive Telescope Network (CTN) open source
31:30 PROJECT: Neuro-Electro Chemical Transmitter Analytics Research (NECTAR)
33:56 PROJECT: National University AI Course Plan Design (data science courses + practicums)
34:55 CAS Influence—Logos of Collaborators (“high touch” relationships)
40:07 mention of VR/AR Technology involving Theater
40:50 Q+A
45:21 Overview of IBM Cloud Platform and Research Use Cases
51:21 DEMO (https://cloud.ibm.com) of Cloud Services
1:07:41 Resources to Get Started
1:10:06 Cloud Bursting an EDA Workload with IBM Specturm LSF and the IMB Cloud
1:11:46 Simplifying Discovery Workflows on the Hybrid Cloud
1:13:40 Weather Data Modeling on IBM Cloud
1:14:51 Other USE CASES (followed by Q+A)
BREAK—continues with PART 2 VIDEO
Part 2 of 2
PART TWO with Anand Singh and James Jushchuk
01:47 Deeper Dive into AI Services Offered
04:30 Watson Discovery
09:00 Watson Assistant (ChatBot Interface)
11:44 Cloud Pak [sic] for Data
14:03 Analysis Tools (within Cloud Pak)
16:00 Overview of Watson Studio (front end for data science interface) and Watson Machine Learning (back-end model management)
18:14 Watson Studio
22:14 Trusted AI using Watson Studio
23:33 AutoAI
26:21 AutoAI: How does it work?
28:00 Services used for AutoAI experiment demo (Where the services connect—with James Jushchuk)
28:57 Account Resources List (provisioned and connected to bring interface)
29:37 AutoAI DEMO (including navigation to IBM curated data) predicting whether to make a loan (Risk/No Risk). How to configure settings, pipeline leaderboard, etc., followed by Q+A.
44:47 Summary of finished DEMO
47:00 Recap
48:30 Discussion of Project Proposals
1:14:48 Next Steps