Why the Flatten-the-Curve Chart Worked
IDSC Visualization Director Alberto Cairo speaks on the effective simplicity of the COVID-19 Flatten-the-Curve chart for Mother Jones magazine. We are all familiar with the “flatten the curve” chart, but what made it so effective?
To the original chart, Dr. Drew Harris added the “healthcare system capacity” dotted line and made the point that it’s “important to remember that #Covid-19 epidemic control measures may only delay cases, not prevent. However, this helps limit surge and gives hospitals time to prepare and manage. It’s the difference between finding an ICU bed & ventilator or being treated in the parking lot tent.”
Read the full article The “Flatten the Curve” Chart Was Ugly and Not Scientifically Rigorous. Why Did It Work So Well? Charts are not illustrations. Charts are arguments. by Abigail Weinberg in the July/August 2020 issue of Mother Jones magazine.