HPC Workshop at RSMAS, Tuesday 4/30/2013
This is a beginner-level HPC workshop where you will learn how to access and use your domain-specific applications on the CCS HPC resources that are available to you. Please register on Eventbrite for the sessions you wish to attend, and then complete the Survey Monkey questionnaire (see below) so that we can create a Pegasus account for you. Whether you have a Pegasus account or not, PLEASE NOTE that your registration will not be complete until you submit the Survey Monkey questionnaire (it’s only three questions).
Please bring your own laptop.
Day 3 is Tuesday April 30th, five 2-hour breakout sessions between 9:30 AM and 5:30 PM.
Max capacity: 25 students per breakout session.
Pre-requisites are knowledge of nano, a Pegasus account, and a working knowledge of Unix as relevant to how CCS HPC resources work.
Breakout sessions will be held on CESM, WRF, HYCOM, and ROMS.