Get free help from IDSC Student Mentors

IDSC Student Mentors

Get free help from IDSC Student Mentors

Need help with your script? Are you getting error messages that don’t make sense? Do you have data and don’t know where to start? IDSC Student Mentors can help!
Although we understand that (especially when you are just getting started) the documentation alone may not be written in an accessible way, we encourage you to come to the IDSC Students Mentors with a specific question, error message, or problem you are trying to solve.

We also have a IDSC Student Mentors GitHub Wiki, written by the founding Mentors, which is currently being updated.

The IDSC Student Mentors program is a peer mentorship program in computational science, coordinated and sponsored by IDSC.  Mentors are a network of computationally advanced students, available first by email, then by appointment as needed to obtain help with specific questions regarding data and its analysis.  IDSC believes that a vibrant and thriving computational community at UM can accelerate research workflows for wet labs as well as dry labs, turn data into knowledge, and open up questions that become tangible with advanced computing tools.

In case you’re wondering . . . Should I learn Python or R or both?


Areas of Expertise

The IDSC Student Mentors Program extends its services to all Schools and Colleges at UM, and welcomes the connections between diverse sets of disciplines based on the common ground of computational tools and methods. The program currently includes mentors from computational biology and marine science, and it is our hope that it will expand into more disciplines as the computational methods employed in these fields become more commonplace.


Get in Touch

Email with your questions. This will create a ticket in our system, someone will respond within a day or so. If your query is not resolved by email, and you need a meeting, we’re happy to find a time to meet with you.