IDSC Services
IDSC Services include expertise and products through established University of Miami Service Centers.
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Advanced Computing
Comprehensive advanced computing resources range from hardware infrastructure to expertise in designing and implementing high-performance solutions. Available services include:
- Advanced Compute Processing service includes initial consultation for services and account set up for use of service units on the supercomputing environment. A single service unit (SU) is equal to (a) 1 CPU hour or 2 GB memory/hour whichever is larger, calculated per job OR (b) 0.5 GB scratch space, average calculated per month. Service Units (SU) are billed per CPU hours or memory per job PLUS scratch utilization per month.
- Advanced Computing Consulting service includes consultation for the design and implementation of high-performance solutions, scientific programming, parallel code profiling, and code optimization.
- Advanced Computing Storage – GPFS Storage Provisional storage provided on a per-project basis for a maximum of 4 years. This storage is attached to IDSC HPC clusters and offers high-throughput and reduced latency on a parallel filesystem. Minimum 10 TB per project.
- Advanced Computing Storage – Cost-Effective Storage (CES) Provisional storage provided on a per-project basis for a maximum of 4 years. This storage is a lower-cost alternative to GPFS storage. It is intended for data archival and not is suitable for processing, not mounted or available directly to IDSC HPC clusters. Minimum 10 TB per project.
- Big Data & Data Analytics Consultation on big data and bioinformatics analytics projects includes the incorporation of appropriate computational support—including software licenses and analytical personnel for inclusion in grant proposals—development of prototypes or initial analysis in preparation for proposal submission, and expert support and grant writing for proposal submission.
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Systems and Data Engineering
The Systems and Data Engineering team are professionals who work together using established practices—including following accepted and documented coding standards—and conducting code reviews. Systems and Data Engineering provides technical expertise in the areas of systems design, development, implementation, and integration.
- Consulting Services are available for: Software Engineering/Development Projects; Incorporation of Appropriate Computational Support, including software licenses and analytical personnel for inclusion in grant proposals; Development of Prototypes or Initial Analysis in preparation for proposal submission; and Expert Support and Grant Writing for proposal submission.
- Reality Capture and Spatial Surveying—Drones + LiDAR IDSC Geospatial Digital Special Collections (GDSC) has considerable expertise in applying UAS for low altitude aerial surveying to create 3D models and high-resolution georeferenced imagery (for use in the construction of GIS databases, architectural drawings, and urban planning). IDSC also has advanced scanning LiDAR systems that can be used for reality capture applications, for example documentation of historical buildings, or the creation of assets for extended realty (or gaming) applications.
IDSC Services + Resources brochure
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