CALL FOR EXHIBITORS! Smart Cities MIAMI 2025 Conference 4/3+4

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CALL FOR EXHIBITORS! Smart Cities MIAMI 2025 Conference 4/3+4

The University of Miami School of Architecture and Frost Institute for Data Science and Computing present the 9th annual Smart Cities MIAMI Conference on Thursday and Friday, April 3+4.  This year’s conference theme “Equitable Urban Futures” strives to make smart cities more equitable and inclusive through organizational and financial models, considering:

  • Frameworks for Collaborative Innovation, intending to introspect and innovate with new organizational and financial models and frameworks to attain digitally inclusive smart cities, and;
  • Shaping Socially Equitable Smart Cities, deliberating on social and spatial equity and justice in the design and delivery of smart city development policies and programs.

Day One is being held at the University of Miami Coral Gables campus Lakeside Village Expo Center. A smaller, Day Two Workshop will gather a by-invitation group of external partners for a brainstorming session to create a disciplinary proposal with measurable outcomes.

CONFERENCE Day 1 Lakeside Village Expo Center, 1280 Stanford Drive, Coral Gables, FL 33146 | Exhibits are Day 1 ONLY

WORKSHOP Day 2 Newman Alumni Center Tower Room (4th Floor), 6200 San Amaro Drive, Coral Gables, FL 33146

Sponsorship Opportunities and limited free Exhibitor Spaces are available. For more information, please call 305/ 243.4962 or email

Register Now for Day 1 ($50 per person)

Attendance for University of Miami Faculty, Staff, and Students is complimentary. Please email for the PROMO CODE.


8:30 AM Registration Opens
9:00 AM Introductions and Welcome
9:10 AM Opening Keynote | Richard Hanley, CUNY
9:40 AM Opening Keynote | Jennifer Clark, The Ohio State University
10:10 AM BREAK
10:30 AM Session 1 Speakers “Frameworks for Collaborative Innovation”
11:30 AM Session 1 Panel Discussion
12:00-1:30 PM Extended Networking Lunch
1:30 PM Session 2 Speakers “Shaping Socially Equitable Smart Cities”
2:30 PM Session 2 Panel Discussion
4:00 PM Closing Keynote | Martin de Jong PhD, Erasmus University
5:00 PM Event Ends (Breakdown Begins)


Keynote Speakers

Jennifer Clark

Jennifer Clark, PhD

Distinguished Professor and Head, City and Regional Planning Section
The Knowlton School, College of Engineering
The Ohio State University
Editor-in-Chief, Regional Studies

Nathalie Crutzen

Nathalie Crutzen, PhD

Professor and Founder/Academic Director of the Smart City Institute,
HEC Liège, University of Liege (Belgium)

Martin de Jong

Martin de Jong, PhD

Professor and Director of the Erasmus Initiative on ‘Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity’ Rotterdam School of Management
Erasmus University Rotterdam

Featured Speakers

Fabio Duarte

Fábio Duarte, PhD

Associate Director of Research & Design, MIT Senseable City Lab

Lecturer, Department of Urban Studies and Planning
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Aileen Bouclé

Aileen Bouclé, AICP

Executive Director, Miami-Dade Transportation Planning Organization
Miami-Dade County

Anthony Townsend is a research director at the Institute for the Future and a senior research fellow at NYU's Rudin Center for Transportation Policy and Management.

Anthony Townsend, PhD

Senior Research Associate at the Jacobs Urban Tech Hub — Technion-Cornell Institute

Book: Smart Cities: Big Data, Civic Hackers and the Quest for A New Utopia (2013)
Cornell Tech

Eduardo Costa

Eduardo M. Costa, PhD

Full Professor of Knowledge Management
CEO of and Author of Humane and Sustainable Smart Cities
Federal University of Santa Catarina

Tian Tang

Tian Tang, PhD 

Associate Professor and Lead Faculty – Smart Cities and Digital Governance,
Director, Sustainability and Governance Lab
Askew School of Public Administration and Policy
Florida State University

Masahiko Haraguchi

Masahiko Haraguchi, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow in the Science, Technology, and Public Policy Program
Harvard Kennedy School
Harvard University

Nora Noori

Nora Noori, PhD

Digital Transformation Advisor
Erasmus University