AquaMaps.org Next Gen “AquaX Laboratory” Launched!
Announcing the opening of the “AquaX Laboratory” a cutting-edge ensemble modeling framework that encompasses the next-generation of AquaMaps (https://aquamaps.org/), along with several other species distribution models, and a brand-new website coming in early 2024.
AquaMaps-AquaX is led by IDSC Core Faculty Member Dr. Gabriel Reygondeau. An associate professor of Marine Biology and Ecology at the Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science, Dr, Reygondeau’s research addresses the key challenges in developing theoretical and empirical understanding of global marine ecosystem’s biological and environmental characteristics, functions, and services in a context of global climate change and other human stressors. The ultimate goal is to provide optimal information for effective ecosystem-based management under increasing anthropogenic pressures. Specifically, his research activities have focused on:
- Identifying and tracking the spatial distribution of marine organisms, communities, and ecosystems at a global and regional scales using several statistical tools;
- Analyzing how climate change, ocean acidification, and other natural and human induced perturbations impact all oceanic compartment using synthetic indices;
- Exploring how the modification in ocean services will impact human society, and
- Communicating research findings to the society to help develop shared-views of our future oceans and their management.
Outcomes from his long-term research interests are designed to better understand biological systems using macroecological tools to improve effectiveness in meeting a portfolio of ecological and socio-economic goals for managing marine ecosystems and conserving biodiversity. Dr. Reygondeau’s areas of interest include: Global Biodiversity, Global Marine Ecosystems, Marine Biogeography, and Climate Change. Read more about Dr. Gabriel Reygondeau in this article by Alan R. Gomez.
AquaX is a program of the FishBase Consortium, in close partnership with FishBase and SeaLifeBase.
AquaMaps are standardized distribution maps for over 33,500 species of fish, marine mammals, and invertebrates. The new AquaX Laboratory at the Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science will be: Modeling fishes, mammals, corals, macro alguae, invertebrates, plankton, biodiversity, and marine life. Follow @aquamap on instagram.