Call for Proposals: Expanding the Use of Collaborative Data…
IDSC is pleased to announce the launch of a new grant program, Expanding the Use of Collaborative Data Science at UM. This program is specifically designed to increase the use of data science to foster breakthroughs in disciplinary pursuits making the research team more competitive for external funding. Researchers from all UM schools and colleges are encouraged to apply. Applications are required to include at least one data scientist (from IDSC) and one researcher from a specific discipline. Typically, the disciplinary researcher initiates and leads the project. The awards include $5K discretionary funds and 1,000,000 Service Units (SUs) to be used for high performance computing (HPC).
The application process includes two steps:
- A one-page letter of intent followed by
- An invitation to submit a two-page proposal.
Important Information and Deadlines
- Letters of Intent (Step 1): Due by 5:00 PM Friday, December 18, 2020.
- Invitation to proceed to Step 2 with identification of an IDSC data scientist (if applicable): December 22, 2020.
- Two-page proposal deadline (Step 2): Due by 5:00 PM on January 22, 2021
- Notice of Award: On or before February 1, 2021
- Project start date: February 1, 2021. Service Units (SU) expire January 31, 2022.
How to Apply
Step 1: The disciplinary researcher provides a one-page letter of intent (LOI) to IDSC outlining the discipline specific research and where data science fits in. If an IDSC data scientist has not already been identified in the LOI, the IDSC review team will identify an IDSC data scientist for the collaboration. Submission period closed.
Step 2: The research team (including the IDSC data scientist) will prepare a two-page proposal that outlines the research and the data science plan. The proposal should also include a short discussion of potential external funding mechanisms that the proposed work can be used to enhance the competitive position of the research team and a budget plan on how the funds will be utilized. The research team will have one month from the letter of intent to submit the two-page proposal. Submission period closed.
For more information about this and other IDSC grants, please visit https://idsc.miami.edu/grants-programs/.