Submit a Places & Spaces Opening Act
The Places & Spaces Exhibit (PSE) team is offering all students and at UM an ideal opportunity to publicize their work by creating an infographic and presenting it in front of an audience. The postdocs and/or students will be featured as opening acts for eight speaker events scheduled around the Places & Spaces Exhibit, which is coming to UM in Fall 2014. The PSE team will select two opening acts per event.
1. Create a unique, innovative visualization image of your data. Any type of data is allowed. The visualization has to be accurate, creative, and informative. Show it to your PI and get their approval.
2. Submit your entry to ccseducation@med.miami.edu with your name, Department, advisor or PI, and a one sentence description of your entry. The PSE team will verify the details submitted and refer it to the PSE committee.
3. Selected individuals will get 3 minutes to project their visualization on the screen, and describe, in on sentence, their visualization. The students will be rehearsed before their presentation, and will be notified at least two weeks before their event.
The fun starts now! The deadlines for entries are the last Friday of every month in Fall 2014, now through November 28, 2014.