Smart Cities MIAMI Conference Goes Virtual 4/15
The University of Miami School of Architecture and Institute for Data Science and Computing present the 4th annual Smart Cities Miami Conference on Thursday, April 15, 1:00-4:00 PM. The annual Smart Cities Miami Conference provides a forum for leaders in academia, industry, and government to closely examine evolving theories and practices in the Smart City field.
The annual Smart Cities Miami Conference provides a forum for leaders in academia, industry, and government to closely examine evolving theories and practices in the Smart City field. The considered topics vary in scope and nature within a general theme that is particularly relevant for each year.
The theme for the 2021 edition is “Health and Well-being in the Post-Pandemic City” providing opportunities to explore questions such as:
- How can Smart City technology monitor the emergence and transmission of contagious diseases?
- Will Smart City technology be used to enforce compliance to safety guidelines? And what will be the consequences for individual rights and privacy?
- How do embedded technology, IoT, and digital media enable healthcare at home?
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Sponsor Center for Accelerated Real Time Analytics (CARTA)
1:00-2:40 | Welcome Address – Provost Duerk and Dean el-Khoury |
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Keynote Speaker Michael Mylrea, PhD
SESSION 1: Healthcare in the Smart CityThis panel discussion will consider opportunities provided by smart city technology for transforming healthcare. From embedded technology to IoT, data analytics, and AI, the adoption of emergent technology is intensifying with the urgency precipitated by the pandemic. How will the hospital, the clinic, and the home connect and synergize in the post-COVID networked city? What lessons have we learned and what innovative practices will outlast the crisis to revolutionize healthcare? The panel brings views from different angles to capture a cross-section of a rapidly evolving landscape. |
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MODERATOR Yelena YeshaDr. Yelena Yesha is Innovation Officer and Head of International Relations for IDSC. In this role, Dr. Yesha assists faculty in engaging government and industrial partners to collaborate with the University, and she consults with faculty on developing research ideas into innovations. She is the Director of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Center for Accelerated Real Time Analytics (CARTA), and an international leader in Blockchain. |
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Frank RicottaWith 30+ years of experience as a CEO and CTO, Frank Ricotta uses his strong entrepreneurial, problem solving, and communication skills to create world-class solutions that capitalize on market opportunities. Frank is currently the CEO & Founder of BurstIQ, which solved the fundamental challenge that prevented blockchain from being utilized in the healthcare space by supporting large, complex, and disparate data on chain, while maintaining privacy and security. |
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Mic BowmanSr. Principal Engineer, Intel Labs, Mic Bowman leads the decentralized computing research group. He has spent over 20 years working on large-scale databases and distributed systems. Among other roles he served as a member of the Hyperledger Technical Steering Committee for several years contributing to architecture definition and evaluation of technologies for privacy and confidentiality. He is currently working on methods for improving the security, scalability, and privacy of distributed ledgers. |
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Jeb LintonSenior Technical Staff Member and Master Inventor at IBM, Jeb Linton is the CTO for Partner Ecosystem and Cognitive Security within IBM Cloud, Program Director for the National Capital Area Center for Advanced Studies, and founder of the IBM Cognitive Security initiative. Mr. Linton is a Master Inventor, and has worked for IBM since 2008 as technical strategist and architect on numerous Cloud Computing, Storage, Security, and Cognitive Computing projects. |
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Pamela TomskiPamela Tomski is an analytics advisor and energy/CCUS expert. She works with SAS, a leader in big data analytics, AI, and ML, to expand their analytics footprint and partnerships with the US Department of Energy (DOE), US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Bureau of Ocean and Energy Management (BOEM). She also builds and participates in R&D partnerships with national labs, industry, and academic research organizations. |
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Pierre-François D’HaesePierre-François D’Haese’s research interests include Medical Image Processing and Analysis, Image Registration, Computer-Assisted Intervention. He is the CEO, Neurotargeting; Director of Digital Health and Imaging Analytics, Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute; and Research Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, Vanderbilt Institute for Surgery and Engineering (VISE). |
2:40-2:50 | Break |
2:50-3:35 |
SESSION 2: University of Miami Innovation ShowcaseThis session presents work in progress at the University of Miami. The spotlight is on an interdisciplinary team that is taking on some of the challenges and opportunities brought up in the preceding discussion. The project reinvents the hospital by reconstituting it as a distributed network, including the home as a technology-empowered hub. Team members include researchers in medicine, computer/data science, architecture, biomedical engineering, biochemistry, and molecular biology, all converging on IDSC as a locus for innovation in the smart city arena. The session features a demonstration of concepts and prototypes in development followed by a discussion of further potential and applications. |
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Sylvia DaunertSylvia Daunert, PharmD, MS, PhD is the Lucille P. Markey Chair of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the UM Miller School of Medicine, Associate Director of the JT MacDonald Foundation Biomedical Nanotechnology Institute of the University of Miami, and Director of Research, for the Center for Integrative and Complementary Medicine. Dr. Daunert’s research interests are in Bionanotechnology. |
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Sapna DeoDr. Sapna Deo is an Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director at the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the UM Miller School of Medicine. Dr Deo’s research interest is in the development of technologies for the detection of pathogens for resource-poor settings. Her work also involves the design of novel nanobioanalytical techniques based on luminescence and quantum dots for detection of microRNAs and RNA molecules for application in biomedicine, diagnosis, and pathogen detection. |
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Nick TsinoremasNicholas F. Tsinoremas, PhD, is the Vice Provost for Research Computing and Data and Founding Director of the Miami Institute for Data Science and Computing (IDSC), which was established to catalyze data-intensive research in fields ranging from medicine to earth sciences, urban planning, digital humanities, and business. He also holds faculty appointments in the Miller School of Medicine and the College of Arts and Sciences. |
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Rodolphe el-Khoury (Lead Presenter)Rodolphe el-Khoury, PhD, is Dean of the UM School of Architecture. Dean el-Khoury was trained as an historian and practitioner and continues to divide his time between scholarship and design for his firm Khoury Levit Fong (KLF). His current research focuses on applications for IT aiming for enhanced responsiveness and sustainability in buildings and smart cities, and the application of robotics and embedded technology, including immersive environments and multi-sensory architecture. |
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Yelena YeshaDr. Yelena Yesha is Innovation Officer and Head of International Relations for IDSC. In this role, Dr. Yesha assists faculty in engaging government and industrial partners to collaborate with the University, and consults faculty on developing research ideas into innovations. She is the Director of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Center for Accelerated Real Time Analytics (CARTA), and an international leader in Blockchain. |
3:40 |
Plenary Keynote Speaker |
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Mark Wolff, MS PhDAdvisory Industry Consultant | Chief Health Analytics Strategist, Global IoT Division, SAS Institute Dr. Wolff has more than 25 years of experience in health care, working in the US and Europe. He is recognized as an accomplished practitioner and thought leader in the development and application of advanced and predictive analytics to complex problems in the Health Care and Life Science Industries. His current focus is on the development and application of machine learning and artificial intelligence approaches to real-time, sensor/IoT data in support of health outcomes and safety research, visualization, and development of intelligent, decision support systems. |
TALK TITLE: Your Digital Twin Will See You Now—How the Internet of Medical Things and Edge Analytics are Changing Health Care
Value-Based Care and Patient Centricity have emerged as global paradigms to address how patient and overall health care are delivered and paid for. This will incentivize care providers to better engage patients and to more consistently adopt evidence-based medicine in diagnosis and treatment decisions. A major driving force behind this transformation is the emergence of the Internet of Medical Things or more specifically, connectivity between patients, clinicians, machines, and care environments. This connectivity will, ultimately, result in an exponential increase in the amount, dimensionality, and velocity of data available for operational and clinical decision-making. Perhaps one of the most important elements of this transformation will be the concept of the “Digital Twin”, an algorithmic, dynamic, in silico representation of an individual’s present and future health status, enabling faster and more precise diagnoses and more scientific determination of the most appropriate and effective treatment plan. |
4:00 |
Closing Remarks |