Smart Cities MIAMI 2024 Conference 4/11+12
The University of Miami School of Architecture and Frost Institute for Data Science and Computing presented the 8th annual Smart Cities Miami Conference on Thursday and Friday, April 11+12, 2024, at the University of Miami Coral Gables campus Lakeside Village Expo Center.
The program is now online!
To aid in the design and development of more sustainable, livable, and resilient cities, the University of Miami brings cutting-edge research in urban planning, architecture, and engineering in alignment with computational resources and analytical methods. The Annual Smart Cities Miami Conference is an extension of these efforts, providing a forum for leaders in academia, industry, and government to closely examine evolving theories and practices in the Smart City field. The topics considered vary in scope and nature within a general theme that is particularly relevant for each year.
Smart Cities Miami Day 1 considered the role of artificial intelligence in the design and management of smart cities, providing an opportunity to explore the impact of AI in smart city practices and how individuals, societies, and cultures adopt and adapt to emerging AI-driven technology in smart cities. Day 2, led by the Miami Think Tank (a new platform for discussions on current challenges in contemporary cities and global urbanization processes), focused on the city of the future and unleashing the power of AI in urban development.
Day 1 Expo Center | Day 2 Pavilion 1000
1280 Stanford Drive, Coral Gables, FL 33146
►Day 1 | April 11 • Expo Center
Day 1 included exhibits in the Lakeside Village Expo Center. The Day 1 theme provided opportunities to explore questions such as:
• How do staggering recent developments in AI impact smart city practices?
• How do individuals, societies, and cultures adopt and adapt to emerging AI-driven technology in smart cities?
• How do we transition from sustaining to disruptive practices fueled by AI?
• Do cities become more resilient when they deploy AI?
Register Now ($50 pp) | Apply to Exhibit
General Admission $50.00 per person—Both Days included. This event was free to University of Miami Faculty, Staff, and Students (with PROMO CODE available from idsc@miami.edu).
Day 1 Agenda
12:00-1:00 Registration + Light Lunch
1:00 Conference Opens + Welcome Address | Dean Rodolphe el-Khoury
1:10 Opening Keynote | Ali Malkawi, Harvard University
1:40 Panel I | “Smarter Cities?”
2:25 Break + Exhibits (20 min)
2:45 Panel 2 | “Rethinking Infrastructure”
3:30 Break + Exhibits (20 min)
3:50 Panel 3 | “Transforming the Profession”
4:35 Closing Keynote | Neil Leach, Florida International University
5:00 Closing Remarks | Dean Rodolphe el-Khoury
followed by Networking Reception + Exhibits
7:00 Day 1 Ends
Complimentary parking for attendees was available in the Pavia and/or Levante Garages on 4/11/2024, during the hours of 11:00am – 9:00pm.
Artificial Intelligence and its Role in the Design and Management of Smart Cities12:00-1:00 PM • Registration + Exhibits Open | Light Lunch |
1:10-1:40 PM • OPENING KEYNOTE |
Ali Malkawi, PhDDirector of the Doctor of Design Studies Program and Professor of Architectural Technology | Harvard Graduate School of Design Founding Director | Harvard Center for Green Buildings and Cities (CGBC) TALK TITLE: “Connecting buildings to nature: The role of big data, AI and automation” Ali Malkawi is Professor of Architectural Technology, Director of the Doctor of Design Studies Program, and Founding Director of the Harvard Center for Green Buildings and Cities at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. He has served as a consultant on several projects, including airport designs, super towers, industrial factories, and cities. His research focuses in the areas of computational simulation, building performance evaluation, and design decision support. Previously, he taught at the Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Michigan, and the University of Pennsylvania, where he was a Professor of Architecture and Chairman of the Graduate Group in Architecture. Malkawi is lead author or co-author of more than 130 scientific papers and co-editor of three books. In 2017, he was honored with the Jordan Star of Science by His Majesty King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein of Jordan. In 2013, Malkawi received an honorary Master of Arts degree from Harvard University. He earned his Ph.D. from the Georgia Institute of Technology. |
1:40-2:25 PM • PANEL 1 “Smarter Cities?” |
This panel explores how AI is reframing the discussion and transforming smart cities practices. From harnessing AI’s potential in data analytics to deliver on the promises of enhanced efficiency and sustainability, to navigating the complex legal and ethical implications inherent in AI-driven solutions, the conversation will illuminate the opportunities and challenges at the intersection of technology and urban planning. |
2:25-2:45 PM • BREAK + EXHIBITS 2:45-3:30 PM • PANEL 2 “Rethinking Infrastructure” |
The panel discussion bridges between industry leaders in large infrastructure projects and key stakeholders in city governance and public initiative to address emerging issues and relevant questions. How is AI transforming the planning and execution of large-scale infrastructural projects? Are there new modalities and opportunities for collaboration between public and private sectors. How is social equity addressed within this evolving technological landscape? Will AI driven tools enable us to reimagine sustainability and resilience in the face of climate change and other pressing challenges. |
3:30-3:50 PM • BREAK + EXHIBITS 3:50-4:35 PM • PANEL 3 “Transforming the Profession” |
The panel discussion gathers leaders from architecture, engineering, and construction firms to explore the profound impact of AI on their respective fields. From reshaping workflows to introducing innovative tools and methodologies, our panelists will delve into how AI is revolutionizing their operations. The panel will address pressing questions such as the possibilities of transforming the profession and the potential for empowering practitioners to work more efficiently and deliver impactful solutions. |
![]() Neil Leach, PhDDirector, Doctor of Design Program| Florida International University (FIU) Neil Leach is an architect and professor from the UK. He currently directs the Doctor of Design program at Florida International University (FIU), and has also taught at the Architectural Association (School of Architecture, London), Harvard Graduate School of Design, Columbia GSAPP (Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation), Cornell University, IaaC (Institute for advanced architecture of Catalonia, Barcelona), and SCI-Arc (Southern California Institute of Architecture, Los Angeles). He is the co-founder of DigitalFUTURES (digitialfutures.international), an online educational platform that operates in 10 languages; a former researcher for NASA, where he developed 3D printing technologies for the Moon and Mars; and a member of the Academia Europaea, Europe’s leading academy with over 50 Nobel laureates. Neil has published over 40 books on architectural theory and digital design, translated into 8 different languages. He is currently working on AI, and is the author of the first book on architecture and AI, Architecture in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: An Introduction to AI for Architects (Bloomsbury, 2022). |
5:00 PM • Closing Remarks | Dean Rodolphe el-Khoury 5:00-7:00 PM • Networking Reception + Exhibits 7:00 PM • Day 1 Ends |
Complimentary parking for attendees ws available in the Pavia and/or Levante Garages on 4/12/2024, during the hours of 7:00am – 3:00pm.
University of Miami Coral Gables campus
Day 1 Expo Center | Day 2 Pavilion 1000
1280 Stanford Drive, Coral Gables, FL 33146
9:00 AM • Registration Open + Light Breakfast 10:00 AM • Day Two Began 10:00 AM-12:00 PM • “Miami Think Tank” PANEL: City of the Future: Unleashing the Power of AI in Urban Development |
12:00 PM • Transition to new location for launch event
12:30 PM • UM-COBOD Collaboration Launch Event The University of Miami School of Architecture and COBOD International held the official launch of a new collaboration to research and explore construction scale 3D printing. The collaboration has seen the creation of a concrete 3D printing hub which includes a large format COBOD BOD 2 construction printer, capable of printing a small single-family home. Conference attendees were invited to an opening ceremony immediately following Smart Cities MIAMI Day 2 that discussed the collaboration and potential opportunities related to concrete 3D printing in Miami and internationally, as well as showcased some recent 3D printed structures by UM students and faculty. (Light Refreshments) |
Location of UM-COBOD Collaboration Launch Event
University of Miami Coral Gables campus
1535 Levante Avenue, Coral Gables, FL 33146