Vaccinating Teachers and Cutting Class Sizes in Half Could…
Vaccinating teachers and cutting class sizes in half would go a long way toward curbing the spread of COVID-19 in schools, according to a new study from the University of Miami. The study, which has been submitted for publication and is not yet peer-reviewed, lends further support to policies like vaccine requirements and physical distancing in schools. According to the research, halving class sizes led to a 13.1% drop in infections, and vaccinating teachers led to a 12.5% drop.
Daniel Messinger, the study’s co-author, repurposed data he collected in preschool classrooms with the initial intent of monitoring students’ language development. But when the pandemic hit, he and his colleagues realized the information could be useful for a different purpose: combating COVID-19.
READ MORE: WLRN story by Jessica Bakeman