DDN’s Worldwide Academic Research Partnership (WARP) Annual Awards

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DDN’s Worldwide Academic Research Partnership (WARP) Annual Awards

DDN’s Worldwide Academic Research Partnership (WARP™) is a global program focused on scientific advancement and insight through the exploration of novel approaches to Big Data.  The program provides a framework for collaboration and the sharing of ideas between DDN (Data Direct Networks), its customers, and the development community.
In conjunction with the WARP program, the WARP Foundation will be providing incentives to energize the global computer science community, in order to advance new ideas and applications in Big Data computing.  These annual awards will recognize emerging scientific breakthroughs enabled with the help of DDN technology. Current dollar amounts are $100,00 for first, $25,000 for second, and $10,000 for third.

The goal is to have the program information updated in the late spring/early summer of each year, so it can be reviewed and announced at SC Conference in November annually.  This year, that deadline won’t be met, and so the deadlines & awards will be pushed out a few months.  Please note the website still lists an October deadline; the actual deadline has been pushed to  January 15, 2014.

Please review program details here: http://www.warpfoundation.com/