Intro to TRITON Workshop-Medical campus 12/13/2019
The CCS Advanced Computing team is offering training sessions on TRITON at all three campuses. The training session will include information on how to create a new Triton account, utilize the pre-installed software, and best practices for using the new features on Triton for Deep Learning and Data Science.
On September 19, 2019, the University of Miami has unleashed Triton to the research community. Using the same AI-optimized architecture as the world’s most powerful supercomputer, Triton is UM’s first GPU-accelerated HPC system, representing a new approach to computational and data science. Built using IBM Power Systems AC922 servers, Triton was designed to maximize data movement between the IBM POWER9 CPU and attached accelerators, enabling students, researchers, and analysts to explore new possibilities.
- IBM Power9/Nvidia Volta – 6 Racks
- IBM declustered storage – 2 Racks
- 96 IBM Power 9 servers
- 30TB RAM (256/node)
- 1.2 Petaflop Double Precision
- 240 Tflop Deep Learning
- 64 bit scalar
- 100 GB/sec Storage
- 150 TB shared flash storage
- 400 TB shared home
- 2 @ 1.99 TB ssd local storage
Free and open to UM Faculty/Staff/Students
Register Now
- Gables Campus session – Thursday, October 10, 2019
RSMAS Campus Session – Thursday, November 7, 2019, 12:00 to 2:00 PM, inSLAB 103
- Medical Campus Session – Friday, December 13, 2019, 12:00 to 2:00 PM Don Soffer Clinical Research Center, Suite 710
PHOTOS by T.J. Lievonen
TRITON in the News . . .
- South Florida Business Journal “University of Miami installs $3.7M Supercomputer“
- Inside HPC “IBM Deploys TRITON AI Supercomputer at University of Miami“
- HPC Wire “University of Miami Deploys $3.7M IBM Power System for AI, HPC“