Catch the Replay: Meet a Data Scientist with Shane…
Dr. Shane Elipot’s “An Ocean of Data” Meet a Data Scientist talk was held on April 5, 2022 via Zoom. Read more “Catch the Replay: Meet a Data Scientist with Shane Elipot”
Dr. Shane Elipot’s “An Ocean of Data” Meet a Data Scientist talk was held on April 5, 2022 via Zoom. Read more “Catch the Replay: Meet a Data Scientist with Shane Elipot” →
The Meet a Data Scientist series is a chance to get up close and personal with top-level data science professionals. Join us for a talk with physical oceanographer and RSMAS professor Dr. Shane Elipot. A Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Ocean Sciences at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS), Dr. Elipot conducts research in physical oceanography—specifically in atmosphere-ocean interactions, oceanic surface boundary layer dynamics, and the changes of the global oceanic thermohaline circulation. Read more “Meet a Data Scientist presents Shane Elipot 4/5” →
The Meet a Data Scientist series is a chance to get up close and personal with top-level data science professionals. Join us for a talk with physical oceanographer and RSMAS professor Dr. Shane Elipot. A Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Ocean Sciences at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS), Dr. Elipot conducts research in physical oceanography—specifically in atmosphere-ocean interactions, oceanic surface boundary layer dynamics, and the changes of the global oceanic thermohaline circulation. Read more “Meet a Data Scientist Lecture Series Presents Oceanographer Dr. Shane Elipot 4/5” →