Human vs. Machine-Enhanced Discovery
Join Mark Musen (Stanford), Janice Kranz and Stephan Schürer (University of Miami) for CDD’s Q3 Town Hall Webinar, “Human vs. Machine-Enhanced Scientific Discovery.” We’re seeing ‘Big Data’ everywhere: healthcare, business, sports, traffic control, biology, drug discovery. The ‘behind-the-scenes’ tool enabling the power of Big Data – searching, sharing, visualizing, querying, analyzing – is the Semantic Web (aka ‘Web 3.0’ a term coined by Tim Berners-Lee in a Scientific American article (http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-semantic-web/) in 2001 to describe a web of data that can be processed by machines.) . The major advancement brought about by the Semantic Web is the treatment of data and metadata on the internet as one giant graph of knowledge. Instead of the disjointed islands of knowledge we are used to, with the Semantic Web, databases will be more naturally connected to one other (except where privacy prevents openness). Read more “Human vs. Machine-Enhanced Discovery”