Catch the Replay: Meet a Data Scientist with Shane…
Dr. Shane Elipot’s “An Ocean of Data” Meet a Data Scientist talk was held on April 5, 2022 via Zoom. Read more “Catch the Replay: Meet a Data Scientist with Shane Elipot”
Dr. Shane Elipot’s “An Ocean of Data” Meet a Data Scientist talk was held on April 5, 2022 via Zoom. Read more “Catch the Replay: Meet a Data Scientist with Shane Elipot” →
The Meet a Data Scientist series is a chance to get up close and personal with top-level data science professionals. Join us for a talk with physical oceanographer and RSMAS professor Dr. Shane Elipot. A Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Ocean Sciences at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS), Dr. Elipot conducts research in physical oceanography—specifically in atmosphere-ocean interactions, oceanic surface boundary layer dynamics, and the changes of the global oceanic thermohaline circulation. Read more “Meet a Data Scientist presents Shane Elipot 4/5” →
The Meet a Data Scientist series is a chance to get up close and personal with top-level data science professionals. Join us for a talk with physical oceanographer and RSMAS professor Dr. Shane Elipot. A Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Ocean Sciences at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS), Dr. Elipot conducts research in physical oceanography—specifically in atmosphere-ocean interactions, oceanic surface boundary layer dynamics, and the changes of the global oceanic thermohaline circulation. Read more “Meet a Data Scientist Lecture Series Presents Oceanographer Dr. Shane Elipot 4/5” →
Featured Scientist: June 2012
Dr. Benjamin Kirtman is the Program Director for the Physical Sciences & Engineering at the Center for Computational Science. He is also a Professor in the Division of Meteorology and Physical Oceanography at the University of Miami Rosenstiel School for Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS), where he also serves as the Associate Dean for Research. Prior to joining the University of Miami, Dr. Kirtman was a Professor at George Mason University. Read more “Featured Scientist Benjamin Kirtman, PhD” →