Urbetica Signs School of Architecture Gift Agreement
University of Miami’s School of Architecture (SoA), and donor, Urbetica, signed a gift agreement on May 30, 2019, at El Colegio Nacional in Mexico City. (El Colegio Nacional is a Mexican honorary academy with a strictly limited membership, created in 1943 by presidential decree in order to bring together the country’s foremost artists and scientists, who are periodically invited to deliver lectures and seminars in their respective area of specialty.) This gift will provide initial funding to support research on smart city design and planning, extending the work done by SoA’s Responsive Architecture and Design Lab (RAD Lab), in partnership with IDSC’s Center for Computational Science on Zenciti, a planned smart city in the Yucatán peninsula near Merida, Mexico. Read more “Urbetica Signs School of Architecture Gift Agreement”