Catch the Replay: 2022-2023 IDSC Fellows’ Final Project Presentations
On Thursday, April 27, 2023, from 3:00-4:30 PM, an audience gathered via Zoom and in person at the Richter Library 3rd floor conference room to hear the 2022-2023 IDSC Fellows give their final research project presentations. A Biomedical Engineering student (Jeffery Serville), Civil Engineering student (Sadegh Tale Masoule), and two Marine Science students (one graduate—Kelly Soluri and one undergraduate—Shara Sookhoo) thanked their mentors, supporters, and collaborating researchers. We invite you to watch the full session on YouTube. Here are some takeaways: Read more “Catch the Replay: 2022-2023 IDSC Fellows’ Final Project Presentations”