Health TechQuity Round Table with Azizi Seixas 4/23
Join us for the “Health TechQuity Round Table” discussion featuring a panel of industry leaders on the creation of a more equitable care-delivery system, and how to advance digital health transformation through research, clinical car, venture, and more.
IDSC Director of Population Health Informatics Dr. Azizi Seixas, Interim Chair, Department of Informatics and Health Data Science; Alicia Chong R., Engineer and Inventor, Founder of Bloomer Tech; Peter Shand, Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft for Startups Founder’s Hub; and Terry Huang, Distinguished Professor and Chair at CUNY, Founder of Firefly Innovations.
April 23, 2024 | 5:00-6:30 PM at the Gordon Center, 1120 NW 14th Street, Miami 33136 | Map and Directions
Please RSVP
Hosted by the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Department of Informatics and Health Data Science | Light Reception provided with RSVP.